Featured Print - Space Federation Unification Wars - Gamestotal.com
  Featured some where physical offline printed  

This is a small faction of where we were found offline in the real world, mostly on printed media. This includes announcements, listing, game reviews and others.

2003-04-19 NewStraitsTimes 2 (Malaysia Newspaper)

2003-06-03 Star InTech 1 (Malaysia Newspaper)

2003-06-03 StarInTech 2 (Malaysia Newspaper)

2003-06-03 StarInTech 3 (Malaysia Newspaper)

2003-06-03 StarInTech 4 (Malaysia Newspaper)

2004-04-19 NewStraitsTimes 1 (Malaysia Newspaper)

2006-02-01 Gempak 1 (Malaysia Magazine)

2006-02-01 Gempak 2 (Malaysia Magazine)

2006-03-01 MajalahPC 1 (Malaysia Magazine)

2006-03-01 MajalahPC 2 (Malaysia Magazine)

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